Label: "natural gas"

December 21, 2023 10:22

New gas extraction well starts production in Hungary

Two new wells launched in the Békés gas field

Szijjártó Péter
December 20, 2023 11:40

Bulgaria withdraws decision threatening Hungarian gas supply

MoFA Péter Szijjártó was informed about this by his Bulgarian counterpart

December 19, 2023 09:11

Viktor Orbán receives Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Budapest - again

Several agreements inked, mutual brotherly relations highlighted

December 18, 2023 10:01

Hungary's gas storage above 90% for the second time this year

Peak fill level was 98% in August

Kazahsztan olajvasarlas
November 21, 2023 13:24

Hungary's oil purchases from Kazakhstan keep on rising

Share of Kazakh oil is already over 10%

kadri simson
November 15, 2023 09:19

EU Energy Commissioner urges Hungary to divest from Russia immediately

Kadri Simson sends a strong message to the government

Bulgaria Oroszorszag Gazprom Magyarorszag Torok Aramlat
November 07, 2023 18:43

Bulgaria takes penultimate step to have Gazprom's gas transmission to Hungary stopped

Invoice sent out, but it still could be circumvented

gáz földgáz energia
November 02, 2023 15:37

Hungary's Mol to start massive gas exploration project

Extraction in Kazakhstan to be launched before year-end

Bulgaria Neftohim olajfinomito Lukoil
October 19, 2023 15:12

Lukoil under Bulgarian fire refutes speculation on intention to sell refinery

Issue linked to transit fee on Russian gas

Steiner Attila bolgar keres
October 19, 2023 11:00

Hungary asks Bulgaria to reconsider unfriendly, hostile move

Serbia also irked by new charge on Russian gas transit

October 16, 2023 13:55

Bulgaria imposes heavy tax on Russian transit gas, while Russian gas "floods" Hungary

Massive volumes of natural gas have been flowing into Hungary for months

görög lng
October 11, 2023 16:21

EU approves construction of new LNG terminal that will also supply Hungary

Massive Greek state aid cleared in protected marine area

October 04, 2023 14:55

Hungary and Slovenia sign gas interconnector deal

Agreement inked today

gaztarolo Steiner Attila Facebook1
September 13, 2023 09:36

Hungarian gas storage facilities almost full, winter should not be a problem

However we look at it, storage filling reached historic highs

ukran tranzit230817
September 11, 2023 12:34

Unprecedented leak: Russian gas sold much cheaper to China than to Europe

No such data have been public until now

September 05, 2023 17:01

EU proposes permanent scheme for joint gas purchases

EU system aces test, Commission would take it up a notch

Azerbajdzsan gaz bejelentes
September 04, 2023 15:46

Azeri gas supplies to Hungary have already started and gas is being stored here

Azeri Foreign Minister visits Hungary

gaztarolo EM kep
August 28, 2023 11:26

Hungary reaches November gas storage filling target

More than half of annual consumption underground already

orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő
August 25, 2023 08:46

Viktor Orbán: the government had to show teeth, claws, and strength to the multinationals

The Prime Minister slightly changed his expectations for the next year and a half in his regular live interview