Deputy Governor expects base rate under 11% by year-end
Péter Ákos Bod: What could a high-pressure economy bring?
Single-digit inflation around the corner
MNB averted an currency crisis last year - Barnabás Virág says
Pleschinger gives an outlook too
Rate path remains shrouded in mist
Central bank cuts more than expected
Monetary Council holds policy meeting
Monetary Council to hold crucial meeting
Industrial chamber chief speaks at Budapest Economic Forum 2023 conference
No more room for rate cuts this year due to inflation dynamics
Nasty surprise could be lurking in relation to EU funds
Deputy Governor's relationship with chief Matolcsy gets bitter, brining in-house reshuffle
Deputy Governor holds press conference.
MNB issues not one, but two statements
MNB holds policy meeting
Monetary Council to take crucial decision
FinMin, cenbank current and former governors converse on key economic issues
Evaluation is easier a year later
Interest rates all over the place