Label: "monetary policy"

budapest magyarország forint árfolyam
January 02, 2020 10:51

2020: gear up for new all-time forint high!

Macro analysts look into the future

budapest lánchíd_getty
November 21, 2019 11:45

Hungary to hit the brakes - Here are some recommendations to avoid the worse

Sharp deceleration around the corner

November 19, 2019 15:02

Hungary central bank sheds light on no change rate decision

Rationale arrives

November 19, 2019 14:00

Hungary's central bank holds policy meeting

No change in monetary policy conditions, as expected

November 19, 2019 09:53

Hungary's economy booming, inflation on the rise - What will the central bank do?

Everything grows more than expected

October 22, 2019 15:00

Hungary central bank provides rationale for unchanged interest rate conditions

Key messages remain the same

mnb jegybank hungary
October 22, 2019 14:00

Hungary central bank holds policy meeting

Monetary Council takes decision on interest rate conditions

October 21, 2019 11:49

Winds have changed - How will the Hungarian central bank react?

Monetary easing in the next few months may be on the cards

October 08, 2019 17:05

INSTANT VIEW - Hungary headline inflation retreats, core inflation rises in September

What do analysts make of the latest data?

October 01, 2019 10:13

Hungary central bank has no interest rate target, new VP says

Parliament approves nomination of Kandrács

A Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) épülete
September 25, 2019 08:50

Analysts: Hungary's central bank cannot be bothered by weak HUF

Loose stance remains

September 24, 2019 16:08

Hungary central bank relaxed about inflation despite extremely weak HUF

MNB officials talk with analysts

September 24, 2019 14:00

Hungary cenbank holds much-awaited policy meeting

Official statement and talk with analysts coming right up

September 23, 2019 10:00

Has Hungary's central bank got spooked by weak HUF or emboldened by global peers?

Lots of factors to consider, loads of questions to be answered

September 17, 2019 12:41

Hungary cenbank chief writes about the eternity of low interest rates

Brief piece by Matolcsy could have knocked forint to new all-time low vs. EUR

September 16, 2019 14:00

340 or 350? Where could the forint's easing versus the euro end?

Or it already has?