Label: "monetary policy"

MNB épület getty
May 30, 2022 10:13

Hungary central bank may slow down, but how will the forint react?

Monetary Council meets on Tuesday

magyar gyár üzem
May 30, 2022 08:30

Central bank rate meeting, detailed GDP data in focus in Hungary this week

We'll find out what made the Hungarian economy boom in Q1

MNB épület getty
May 26, 2022 09:29

Hungary central bank keeps benchmark policy rate on hold

1-week deposit tender announced

May 24, 2022 12:02

Hungary central banker says base rate could be raised at half the current pace

It is impossible to offset upward pressure on prices in the short term by raising interest rates - Virág

mnb epulet
May 19, 2022 09:29

Hungary central bank keeps benchmark interest rate on hold

No surprise there

virág barnabás mnb bef
May 17, 2022 11:14

Hungary's interest rate path needed to fight inflation has not changed one iota - c.banker

MNB Deputy Governor Virág gives keynote speech at Lending 2022 conference

May 13, 2022 16:50

The era of proactive, aggressive interest rate hikes is over in Hungary - c.banker

Virág says it's time for gradual tightening

mnb epulet
May 12, 2022 09:27

Hungary central bank keeps benchmark rate unchanged

1-week deposit tender announced

mnb epulet
April 26, 2022 15:50

Hungary MNB publishes rationale behind 100bp rate hike

Lists practically the same reasons as a month ago

matolcsy györgy mnb
April 26, 2022 15:24

Hungary chief Matolcsy pledges continuation of rate hikes

Governor usually does not hold post-meeting press conference

April 26, 2022 12:10

Hungary cenbank chief Matolcsy to talk to press after policy meeting

Instead of Deputy Governor Barnabás Virág

mnb epulet
April 25, 2022 09:10

Hungary central bank has set the path but might still surprise us

Monetary Council to hold policy meeting on Tuesday

világ globe
April 25, 2022 08:14

The world is abuzz with GDP data, Hungary focuses on rate decision

The second half of the week will be busy

April 21, 2022 09:11

Hungary cenbank keeps benchmark interest rate unchanged

For the fourth consecutive week

April 14, 2022 09:20

Hungary central bank keeps benchmark policy rate on hold

1-week deposit tender announced at 6.15% interest rate

April 07, 2022 09:13

Hungary central bank leaves benchmark interest rate on hold

1-week deposit rate remains 6.15%

March 31, 2022 09:24

Hungary cenbank keeps benchmark rate on hold

At 6.15%, as expected

forint pénzköteg bankjegy
March 30, 2022 13:42

Hungary interest rates to rise to heights we have not seen for a very long time

This is not the end of rate hikes by far