Label: "meta"

ep-választás kampány
June 03, 2024 10:50

Hungarian governing parties spend twice as much on advertising as any other party in Europe

EP election campaign in full swing across Europe

September 25, 2023 16:25

Not just Moscow, Brussels would also impose heavy fines on media giants

For spreading fake news

March 28, 2022 16:55

Google, Facebook illegally processing our data - What can the new EU-US agreement do about it?

An agreement in principle has been reached, let's hope it is not worthless

russia facebook
March 21, 2022 15:30

Russia severing global ties: Bans Facebook and Instagram

Meta declared an 'extremist organisation'

Simák Pál
November 26, 2021 17:10

2022 poses great challenges, rising rates will dampen demand in new lending in Hungary

Interview with CIB Bank Chairman-CEO