Decision affects some 10,000 cars per year
Sector starts 2022 on a strong footing
PMI rises to 53.2 points in February
Creating 35 new jobs with 30% cost coverage by state
Nearly HUF 140 billion awarded in aid
Vehicle production is the main drag
Growth momentum slows down
Energy price increase is spilling over to processed goods prices
MoU signed
If chip shortage was not enough, high energy costs also weigh on sector
By providing a loan of nearly HUF 9 billion
PMI hits new high
After four months of falling
Association urges energy efficiency subsidies
PMI continues to indicate expansion, but index drops
Detailed data show industry, agriculture to blame for slower growth
Imports soar while exports lag behind
October PMI shows growth
Textile manufacturer upgrades Szeged production base
Reason behind feeble industrial performance revealed