Label: "manufacturing"

April 15, 2020 09:27

Suzuki Hungary reveals plans to resume production

New health protection measures in place

April 15, 2020 09:15

Opel ready to resume production in Hungary

Date depends on various factors

mercedes járvány németország
April 15, 2020 08:21

Hungarian Mercedes-Benz plant announces restart date

It will be a gradual return

April 14, 2020 16:20

Hankook restarts production at Hungarian plant

Tire maker back on track

robot felfolgozóipar gyár autógyár
April 14, 2020 08:56

Audi plant in Hungary restarts production

Comprehensive package of measures implemented

April 07, 2020 09:00

Calm before the storm in Hungary's industry

February data still show moderate growth

April 02, 2020 16:49

Audi joins Mercedes and Suzuki, puts off restart date

Forced production suspension extended to 19 April

gyár dolgozó munkás
April 01, 2020 09:00

Coronavirus lands staggering punch on Hungary's industry

Manufacturing PMI plummets to all-time low

Robert Bosch Hatvan uzem koronavirus leallas
March 24, 2020 08:21

Hungarian operation of Bosch to close partially in Hatvan

Only essential staff may go to work

March 20, 2020 14:15

Amazing record by Audi Hungaria – COVID-19 hits at a really bad time

We've never seen anything like this before

March 19, 2020 10:43

COVID-19: Denso Hungary announces 10-day production break

Staff will go on paid leave

March 18, 2020 12:34

BMW also pulls into the garage in Europe

And plans to stay put for a month

mercedes koronavírus
March 18, 2020 11:06

BREAKING NEWS: Mercedes-Benz plant in Hungary also suspends production

Company confirms what has already been suspected

audi koronavirus leallas
March 18, 2020 07:50

Hungarian Audi plant to stop, employees will continue to earn

Sans variable pay and bonuses, though

gyori audi-gyar autogyartas q3 jarmuipar
March 17, 2020 17:59

BREAKING NEWS: Hungarian Audi plant to suspend production as of Monday

Due to coronavirus and Volkswagen Group decision

mercedes kecskemet koronavirus
March 17, 2020 17:58

Daimler announces two-week production stop at most European plants

It is unclear whether suspension will affect the Hungarian operation or not

March 17, 2020 14:30

Suzuki Hungary adopts restrictive measures due to coronavirus

Portfolio askes large enterprises how they are coping with the outbreak