Label: "macroeconomy"

tőzsde piac részvény getty stock
May 13, 2024 09:46

Data release that broke the markets last time to arrive again this week

The long-awaited US inflation will arrive, amid some other significant releases

autóipar termelés gyártás gdp
April 12, 2024 09:31

Hungarian government aligns growth forecasts at last

Even the Economy Ministry no longer expects 4% GDP growth for 2024

budapest magyar gazdaság parlament
February 26, 2024 08:45

Interest rate decision in Hungary, back-to-back important events abroad this week

US GDP, Germany and EU Inflation among the key data releases

Davos Svájc
January 15, 2024 08:20

Besides the World Economic Forum, there will be some interesting data releases this week

Mainly global announcements - important Hungarian events will be mostly early in the week

karácsony fa kandalló
December 18, 2023 08:15

There's still some excitement left for the festive week

MNB will hold its last interest rate decision meeting of the year this week

fed federal reserve taper
December 11, 2023 08:25

Macro calendar packed with key events and data this week

Fed, ECB, BoE, U.S. inflation, PMIs in Europe, Fitch rating review - all in one week

December 04, 2023 08:17

Last end-of-year rush ahead, the calendar is packed with events

This won't be a boring week

Már a dolgozók diktálnak Magyarországon (TOP 10 sztori - 8.)
November 27, 2023 08:39

This week we find out what pulled the Hungarian economy out of recession

Other important data are also coming in

naptár 2023
November 20, 2023 08:32

MNB decision almost certainly predictable, but there are other important data to come this week

Deputy Governor Barnabás Virág has already "shot the punchline"

November 13, 2023 08:29

Is the recession in Hungary finally over? This week we find out

We'll alsohave a look at where Hungarian GDP ranks in the EU, but we won't be bored this week anyway

parlament és házak
November 06, 2023 08:39

We get a peek into the government's wallet this week, and into October inflation as well

Two domestic highlights for the week, and no shortage of foreign events either

October 30, 2023 08:23

Barrage of data releases, key events this week, with a single day off

Will Europe's economy emerge from the doldrums? Is the U.S. economy finally cooling down? Key questions to be answered.

Nem nyugszik a dollár, újra 290 felett jár
October 24, 2023 09:17

Interest rate decision and overseas data - there will be some busy days this week

Tuesday and Friday ramp it up In Hungary, but Thursday will also be busy in the EU and the US

imf épület
October 09, 2023 10:57

IMF World Economic Outlook in focus this week

All eyes on inflation in Hungary

fed atlanta sas héja
October 02, 2023 09:00

Fed policy has been weighing on markets already - and this week we can worry even more

Friday brings a really important global data release, but we won't get bored until then either

September 25, 2023 08:32

Events ramp up this week, but nothing beats the interest rate decision

We're in for an exciting week

September 18, 2023 08:17

Hardly any data in the pipeline, eyes on cenbank policy meetings this week

Interest rates all over the place

September 04, 2023 08:37

Data galore in the first week of autumn

Fresh inflation statistics are also coming

August 28, 2023 16:37

Hungarian banks worried about households' creditworthiness

Central bank publishes results of new survey