Label: "lending"

June 11, 2021 11:05

Hungarian banks perform amazingly in Q1, with a huge caveat

Central bank releases lending statistics

varga mihály
May 17, 2021 14:57

Hungary to retain repayment moratorium for vulnerable debtors

Those that can afford it should continue to repay debts

May 07, 2021 06:00

Have Hungarians lost their marbles? Crazy growth at housing loans in March

New record during the strictest lockdown in the pandemic

April 21, 2021 16:45

Housing loan market to shrink in 2021, GKI warns

As it runs out of eligible households

March 12, 2021 16:05

Hungarian banks weather coronavirus pandemic well

This is really not 2008

March 04, 2021 15:16

Cold shower from Hungarian banks: loan market weakened by coronavirus

Central bank publishes extremely anemic figures for early 2021

January 04, 2021 16:55

Haven't seen this for years: Hungarian households channelling savings in FX deposits?

Hungarians apparently took out more housing loans in 2002 than in 2019

December 28, 2020 10:15

Hungary central bank chief projects fastest recovery in 100 years

Calls for investments, lending to support the economy

felújítás lakás burkolás csempe
December 23, 2020 12:22

Details of Hungary's new home renovation credit reveal several pitfalls

Decree on the renovation subsidy was also modified

December 01, 2020 11:16

Hungary central bank maintains looser capital regulations for banks

Capital buffers to be rebuilt from 2022

November 06, 2020 13:00

Hungary’s OTP returns to pre-crisis form in Q3

Income, profit far above expectations

November 04, 2020 15:00

Housing loans in Hungary: Borrowers storm lenders

Bank deposit situation not so rosy, though

tizezer forint bankjegy
October 19, 2020 11:26

Hungarian Banking Association: coronavirus impacts to stay with us for years

"It's as if we jumped 10 years forward into the digital age."

October 19, 2020 11:07

Hungary’s OTP takes Croatia to court

For HUF 10 bn loss on FX loans

October 05, 2020 13:10

What crisis? Hungarian banks shrug off coronavirus

Consumer lending shows drastic decline, though

October 02, 2020 08:15

Hungary central bank says credit markets are not overheated

MNB not to hit the breaks on lending

September 24, 2020 10:03

Citibank Hungary appoints new CEO

September 22, 2020 08:55

Hungary to extend repayment moratorium by six months for select groups

A help to 160,000-240,000 families

September 15, 2020 13:51

McKinsey: This crisis will cut banks deeper than the previous one

Global banking sector to be restored only by around end-2023