Label: "legislation"

Utánajártunk, hol éri meg a legjobban állampapírt venni
June 11, 2024 09:42

National Ambulance Service could take over the GP on-call services in Budapest

This, and the surveillance of students' bags in schools is also included in a salad law to be voted on on Tuesday

költségvetés parlament varga mihály
May 29, 2024 15:30

Hungary slips further in budget ranking

Governing by decree halves budget transparency score

April 25, 2024 08:41

Hungarian gov't might back down on giving competition watchdog totalitarian powers

The vote on the draft law will take place on Thursday

digitális jog
April 03, 2024 10:07

GVH reacts to inquiries about the new draft law giving them enormous powers

According to the competition authority, the Hungarian approach would be compatible with EU law

April 03, 2024 09:50

Economic Competition Authority to be given unprecedented powers under a new draft law

"Companies of essential importance" could be de facto nationalised

Havi 40 ezer forint támogatást kaphatsz, ha bölcsis gyermek mellett dolgozol!
March 18, 2024 10:00

Mothers still have huge difficulties in reintegrating to the labour market after childbirth

Job portal tries to counter the depressing trend in collaboration with Unicef

March 08, 2024 14:45

Hungary gov't preparing a series of law changes, 2025 budget on the agenda next month

Revision of 2024 budget not planned yet despite dramatic deficit surge

illegális hulladék
March 05, 2024 10:09

EU greens the rules on packaging and single-use plastics

Ambitious goals set for 2030

mesterséges intelligencia ai chatgpt
February 21, 2024 14:12

Hungarian gov't lays cards on table on artificial intelligence, novelties coming our way

New authority and test environment to be created

Artificial intelligence to impact almost one million jobs in Hungary
February 19, 2024 10:22

First in the world and surrounded by debates: the European Artificial Intelligence Act

Basic guidelines set, details still need to be worked out

sebesség traffipax gyorshajtas
February 07, 2024 09:14

EU to jointly tighten rules against speeding drivers

New draft adopted

dolgozó munkás gyár fizetés kereset
January 03, 2024 09:24

Tens of thousands of foreign workers may arrive in Hungary every year

Because the Hungarian workforce is dwindling

December 13, 2023 13:09

NGOs reject new Hungarian law, saying it protects authoritarianism instead of sovereignty

New law does not meet criteria of a democratic state based on the rule of law

David Pressman amerikai nagykövet
November 17, 2023 08:17

Washington concerned about Hungary's "sovereignty protection bill" - U.S. Ambassador

David Pressman also talks about Sweden's pending NATO accession

kiberbiztonság gdpr adatvédelem megfigyelés
November 16, 2023 09:40

New EU cybersecurity package under preparation in Hungary

Handling of information on highly sensitive cyber threats has been a bone of contention in the negotiations

parlament országház budapest nap getty stock
November 02, 2023 14:28

Hungary keeps Sweden's NATO accession off of Parliament's agenda

Gov't finds reason to extend state of danger to mid-2024

filippinó munkás
October 06, 2023 09:18

Hungarian gov't suddenly takes a complete U-turn on guest workers

The regulation, which has not even entered into force, will be changed

vera jourova
October 04, 2023 10:00

EC Vice-President stresses the importance of the Media Freedom Act

Citing Hungary as a cautionary tale - just as several sources said blocked funds were close to being released

orbán viktor
September 25, 2023 15:19

Decoupling from Russian energy is against Hungary's interests - Orbán

PM addresses Parliament at opening of autumn session

August 21, 2023 16:05

Hungarian government may be drafting a dangerous bill

Safety at work should not be taken lightly!