First domino falls, capacity cuts already underway in secret
Employees are worried
Firms are reducing staff where they can
Slackening EV sales weigh on battery manufacturers too
Management plans cost-cutting, efficiency improvement
Downsizing to start shortly
They call it "centralisation" while transforming into a regional marketplace
Domestic industrial performance has also been hit by the woes of the battery sector
SK On sacks 609 workers
Downsizing to continue on Monday, according to Iváncsa plant workers
Data from the EU and the US will come in droves
We won't get bored
Bankruptcies, falling real wages, layoffs - but skilled workforce is still in demand
Automotive company received state aid earlier for job creation
Asian guest workers replace local workforce
They wanted to clear up the spreading misinformation
A lot of tension about home officing too
They trust in a recovery
Aiming to maintain stability amidst economic difficulties
Companies adapt to the broader economic situation, unemployment rate peak predicted for the summer