Label: "inflation"

bolt szamla inflacio draga
August 09, 2022 09:00

Hungary inflation surprises on the upside again

CPI accelerates to 13.7% yr/yr in July

bolt szamla inflacio draga
August 08, 2022 09:19

Inflation to run rampant in Hungary only now

Prognoses keep creeping ever higher

August 08, 2022 08:21

Key event coming up that could upset markets again

Macroeconmic calendar for the week

kossuth tér parlament
July 19, 2022 16:21

Hungarian MPs pass 2023 budget bill that is full of 'landmines' already

World takes radical turn during adoption process

budapest parlament
July 14, 2022 12:29

Hungarian economy to slam on the brakes harder next year, inflation here to stay for a while

European Commission publishes updated estimates

July 12, 2022 15:25

Hungary central banker stresses MNB will "act most decisively" to curb inflation

Barnabás Virág holds press conference

mnb epulet
July 12, 2022 13:00

Hungary central bank raises base rate by 200 basis points

In extraordinary decision

mnb epulet
July 07, 2022 15:25

Hungary keeps chasing forint strength by raising base rate next Tuesday

At a non-rate-setting meeting

export trade
July 07, 2022 09:00

Staggering deterioration of Hungary's trade balance stopped?

May data released

July 07, 2022 08:30

Hungary central banker addresses record weak forint

Virág props up HUF

pedagógus tanár iskola
July 05, 2022 08:48

Hungary Curia hands down verdict on teachers' January warning strike

Decision is final, and there is no room for review

varga mihály parlament költségvetés pénzügyminiszter
July 04, 2022 12:35

Tax revenues beef up Hungary's budget immensely

But even this was not enough, as the government was throwing money around with both hands

orbán viktor miniszterelnök
July 01, 2022 09:30

War zone approaching Hungary faster than we would think - Orbán

PM wants to speed up development of the armed forces

June 30, 2022 14:54

Hungary faces massive slowdown, central bank warns

MNB publishes updated forecasts