Label: "industry"

export trade
December 07, 2022 14:01

Hungary industrial production plummets, but from a high level

Industry kicks off last quarter on wobbly footing

óra ipar
November 08, 2022 10:15

Hungarian industry not bothered by the war

The sector continued to perform well in September.

ipar termelés worker dolgozó gyártósor bérek keresetek
October 27, 2022 09:20

Hungary wage negotiations expected to be tougher than ever - MGYOSZ VP

Employers are being cautious

ipar termelés gyár acélgyár
October 06, 2022 09:25

Hungarian industry has not run out of steam yet

How long can it keep the pace?

raktár, logisztika, csarnok, ipari ingatlan,
September 07, 2022 12:40

Hungary industry weathers rough seas surprisingly well

Output expands for the third month in a row

autóipar termelés gyártás gdp
September 07, 2022 12:20

Many industrial firms will go belly-up in Hungary, energy experts warns

Talks about Russian gas too

ipar termelés gyár acélgyár
July 01, 2022 10:23

Hungary business cycle indicator on a roller-coaster ride

Manufacturing characterised by shortages, price hikes, but robust output

építőipar építkezés
June 15, 2022 14:30

Hungary construction output drops further in April

After a decline in March

ipar termelés worker dolgozó gyártósor bérek keresetek
June 08, 2022 09:50

War brings growth of Hungary's industry to a halt

Contraction in April

May 31, 2022 10:30

The sky is the limit: Hungary's industrial inflation is stellar

Unprecedented rise in producer prices

May 02, 2022 10:42

Dramatic inflationary pressure on Hungary's industry

Producer price index is sky high

May 02, 2022 08:59

Fed faces big decision this week; it is not the object of envy for sure

Find out what they say about the combination of high inflation and a declining economy

ekb épület
April 11, 2022 10:02

Runaway prices, stalling economy - what will the ECB do?

US inflation data are also due this week

2022 év vége előrejelzés
March 30, 2022 08:20

Spillovers from Russia-Ukraine war to hit CEE economies hard

Capital Economics projects 3.5% GDP growth for Hungary for 2022

ipar termelés gyár acélgyár
March 04, 2022 09:43

Hungary industry recovers just before the war

Sector starts 2022 on a strong footing

magyarorszag vasut
February 15, 2022 09:28

Huge surprise in Hungary's GDP growth

Upside surprise in Q4 2021 economic growth

koronavírus omikron mutáns variáns
February 07, 2022 08:29

We'll find out this week how much Omicron is destroying the economy

European Commission forecasts coming up

mercedes kecskemet koronavirus
February 04, 2022 09:20

Hungary industry appears to be stabilising, but where is growth?

Vehicle production is the main drag

Jön a negyedik ipari forradalom és kereshetünk magunknak új munkát
January 31, 2022 10:26

Industrial producer prices skyrocketing in Hungary

Energy price increase is spilling over to processed goods prices