Firms are reducing staff where they can
Kopint-Tárki's latest manufacturing sector survey paints a gloomy picture
Severe crisis in the EU and in Hungary
And the short-term outlook is not too bright, either
Brussels prepares new laws against "unfair practices" by non-EU competitors
Year-end turns out particularly bad
In the fourth quarter of 2024
November 2024 data published
Detailed November data shows dismal trends not seen since the 1989 regime change
Another downturn in November
Article by the Professor of the Corvinus University
Portfolio surveyed revered macro analysts about the possible positive scenarios for 2025
The pessimism of the businesses overshadows the slight optimism of consumers
Stats office publishes October IP data
Output grows after three months of contraction
Fitch credit rating of Hungary and US unemployment scheduled for the last working day
Hungarians' economic mood has now really taken a turn for the worse
Márton Nagy argues in favour of looser fiscal rules
Production falls in most manufacturing subsections
The dominos keep falling