Label: "health care"

June 22, 2018 16:59

Hungary quietly prepares new funding for health care?

The latest measures point in that direction.

June 01, 2018 13:06

Six steps Hungary plans to make in health care

Minister unveils plans.

May 31, 2018 14:15

Grim reality - Hungary tops EU ranking of highest share of lung cancer

World No Tobacco Day - A chart to remember!

April 27, 2018 10:09

Dazzling wage rise in Hungary's health care sector - How will private firms react?

Interview with Affidea Hungary CEO György Leitner.

August 25, 2017 14:41

Chart of the Day: Hungary spends little on health care

Close to the bottom in EU rankings.

February 03, 2017 05:00

European healthcare study ranks Hungary 30th out of 35

Dramatic performance in several areas.