Millions of cancer deaths could be avoided
Orbán's biggest rival spoke about his economic policy plans for the first time in an interview
Tobacco consumption on the rise
Finance Ministry argues that the measure did work
State Secretary Péter Takács said the ministry would leave some to the employers to decide
Lead, formaldehyde and methanol found in products from several Chinese e-commerce giants in a recent test
Some fear it could set back the development of treatments for rare diseases
Another week, another record of suspected cases broken
Tamás Svéd spoke of the healthcare's current situation in an interview
More and more chronic patients in almost all age groups
Knee replacement, cataract surgery and hip replacement top the list
An estimated 1.5 million people are affected in Hungary
Health insurance fund publishes results of new survey
If the public hospital corrects the complications of inappropriate treatment, the private provider pays the bill
The government office will be involved in considering applications
Drug-resistant strains of bacteria on the rise
Referring to the well-known government slogan of "child protection"
Could be a worldwide breakthrough
Health workers are promised a pay rise for next March
Despite being fined earlier by the local government office for failing to declare hazardous chemicals