What did the crisis do to Hungary?
Mainly over favourable consumption and investment processes.
UniCredit extremely upbeat about the Hungarian economy.
Upward revision of GDP estimate in Inflation Report.
Czech Republic and Slovenia also beat Hungary.
Hungary needs three main local brands on the world stage.
Matolcsy believes we still live in a grace period.
Government spending also gives a boost to Q4 2017.
Here's what analysts think of the data.
4.0% annual average growth is also in the bag.
Fourth-quarter GDP data to be released.
Otherwise, you'll need a magnifying glass to find exciting macro releases this week.
...even after EU funds dry up.
After major achievements in terms of stability and GDP growth, the new watchwords are sustainability and efficiency.
New household welfare data published.
Inflation, competitiveness could be a problem.
And so does the entire EBRD region.
Will full-year growth reach 4.0%?
Here's one figure for you: 8.6%!