Tram-trains to connect Szeged with Hódmezővásárhely
Expected to help 70,000 people find or keep jobs
Assuming 70% of wages to keep the economy running
Gov't spends HUF 100 bn on virus defense
More than 1,000 hotels to close this week
Debtors granted payment moratorium until end of year
Gov't sets up operative staff
Hospitals owe HUF 80 bn to suppliers
Labour shortage notwithstanding
Focus on innovation and digitalisation
The M44 section cost HUF 145 bn to build
68 trauma surgeons to walk if gov't fails to address funding
It's all in Orbán's head.
Development Centre monitors EU tenders.
Economic and family measures contributed heavily, Finance Minister says.
Clause of latest defence agreement enters force.
Or so the government envisions
Gov't sees no need for forint intervention
Ministers of 4th Orbán cabinet swear in.