Label: "government"

November 15, 2023 08:18

Hungary's Tibor Navracsics gets new ministry

New institution will be called Ministry of Public Administration and Regional Development

November 07, 2023 09:58

Independent petrol stations to lose out big time with latest tax change

They petition against the rewriting of the rules

Megnyílt ma a várt céges eszközbeszerzési EU-pályázat
October 19, 2023 10:06

Hungarian gov't to overhaul public procurement system

A new refund rule would be introduced

October 13, 2023 08:32

Leaked information suggests a new sanctions scandal against Hungary

The reason for the planned sanctions is corruption suspected by the United States

parlament országház budapest nap getty stock
October 06, 2023 09:39

Hungarian government wants to govern by decree for another six months

The state of danger would be extended on the grounds of the Russia-Ukraine war

filippinó munkás
October 06, 2023 09:18

Hungarian gov't suddenly takes a complete U-turn on guest workers

The regulation, which has not even entered into force, will be changed

Mit művelt a forint árfolyama a kamatdöntés után?
September 26, 2023 08:52

Government extends compulsory store promotions

...and the deposit interest cap, and the restriction on central bank discount bonds, for another three months.

September 15, 2023 08:41

Government taps the Overheads Protection Fund

For HUF 32 billion

nyugdíj idős öreg getty stock
September 11, 2023 09:06

Pensioners expect a 3.5-4% pension increase from the government in November

Consultative Council of Pensioners' Organisations reacts to the fresh KSH data

budapest airport
September 06, 2023 09:30

Hungarian government makes formal bid for Budapest Airport

They would acquire a majority stake through a state-controlled investment company

Nagy hír Brüsszelből: sok százmilliárd forintnyi EU-pénz jöhet karácsonyig
September 05, 2023 10:08

Hungarian gov't to proceed with the ratification of the Cotonou Agreement

Ratification of the agreement at EU level was a source of tension for a hundred countries

forint forintárfolyam forintgyengülés költségvetés deviza
September 01, 2023 09:02

Hungarian gov't revises the 2023 budget yet again

They reallocate around HUF 120 billion in several tranches

napelem solar panel
August 22, 2023 09:50

Government would boost domestic solar panel production

They set out to support the domestic production of key technologies.

homok építőipar
August 02, 2023 10:14

Government seeks pre-emption rights on construction material companies

Consultation will start in the autumn

Ezentúl minden héten egy bizottság dönt a nyugdíjak utalásáról
August 02, 2023 09:20

Higher pension supplement may come in November, expert says

There may not be a supplement in the summer, however

July 28, 2023 08:14

Viktor Orbán: multinationals are behaving like price speculators

The PM also spoke of profiteering multinationals, the hopelessness of supporting Ukrainians and the ghettoisation of the world market

európai bizottság, európai unió, EU,
July 25, 2023 09:18

Hungary shackles the EU again, even though Brussels would remove Russian names from the sanctions list

Three people would be rehabilitated, but the Hungarian government has a problem

July 21, 2023 08:41

Hungarian gov't completely restructures the National Public Health Centre, abolishes the OGYÉI

A new institution will be established from 1 August