Label: "google"

ep-választás kampány
June 03, 2024 10:50

Hungarian governing parties spend twice as much on advertising as any other party in Europe

EP election campaign in full swing across Europe

September 25, 2023 16:25

Not just Moscow, Brussels would also impose heavy fines on media giants

For spreading fake news

5g, mobilhálózat, hálózatfejlesztés, mobilszolgáltató, telekommuniáció, mobilnet
June 05, 2023 10:32

Hungary in minority in EU mobile network debate

Germany leads the other camp

March 28, 2022 16:55

Google, Facebook illegally processing our data - What can the new EU-US agreement do about it?

An agreement in principle has been reached, let's hope it is not worthless

bíróság kalapács
March 03, 2020 13:24

EU court says Hungary's advertisement tax legal, penalties not

Here's the long-awaited ruling

October 09, 2019 10:10

EU to revisit 'Google tax'

New EC VP insists on fair taxation

August 08, 2019 17:00

Why has the EU tackled big online platforms? - The answer is here

Exclusive interview with Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society

May 31, 2019 09:03

Google Maps to offer speed camera alerts in Hungary

Google integrates Waze features into Google Maps.

March 05, 2018 15:45

EU to slap tax on large tech companies

EU to ruin 'Dutch sandwich' for Google, Apple, Facebook and the likes.

September 29, 2017 08:53

EU gives ultimatum to Facebook, Twitter, Google on hate speech

Patience is running out.

June 27, 2017 15:06

EU imposes gigantic fine on Google

The penalty is much bigger than expected.

June 26, 2017 16:57

Gargantuan antitrust fine looms over Google

EU watchdog could hit as soon as Tuesday.

May 10, 2017 12:00

Google, Facebook have no rival in Hungary

On the advertising market.