Recovery is possible in 2025, though
Business confidence hits 50-month low
The situation is the toughest in construction
The pessimism of the businesses overshadows the slight optimism of consumers
Hungarians' economic mood has now really taken a turn for the worse
Public confidence down to levels seen at the beginning of the year
Economic sentiment, business confidence remain practically unchanged in July
Hungary is becoming one of the least affordable EU countries in terms of housing
Outlook improves
The Economic Research Institute's business climate index fell within the margin of error in April
Think tank GKI puts the spotlight on economic indicators of regional peers
GKI confidence index drops
No room for manoeuvre to boost the economy
From quite a depth
GKI confidence indices drop in February
Intrum publishes results of new survey
GKI consumer confidence index shows significant improvement in January
In GKI consumer confidence index
GKI Economic Sentiment Index rose to a nine-month high
GKI index rose in November