Label: "fiscal policy"

autóipar termelés gyártás gdp
April 12, 2024 09:31

Hungarian government aligns growth forecasts at last

Even the Economy Ministry no longer expects 4% GDP growth for 2024

mnb epulet
March 14, 2024 09:56

MNB takes another hard line on the government's actions

This time it was György Matolcsy's advisor

March 11, 2024 11:55

Hungary cenbank says relation between Governor and PM remain close

MNB denies Bloomberg report on acrimonious affairs between Orbán and Matolcsy

nagy márton
February 15, 2024 16:46

Hungary EcoMin reveals what threatens growth in 2024

Márton Nagy considers battle against inflation as won

Nagy Máront nemzetgazdasági miniszter
February 05, 2024 08:33

Hungarian Economy Minister says budget deficit will not be below 3% even next year

The deficit will be 4.5% this year

varga mihály pénzügyminiszter
January 04, 2024 11:43

Hungary FinMin promises deficit reduction, but does not give a specific figure

The Ministry of Finance's first press conference of the year

nagy márton gazdaságfejlesztési miniszter
December 06, 2023 09:14

Hungarian gov't restructures its economic and fiscal policy-making system

The Economic MInister will lead the Economic Cabinet, but the Minister for Finance will have a new budget task force

suranyi gyorgy2
November 29, 2023 12:09

Hungarian gov't, central bank should not throw mud in public – former chief

György Surányi on the budget, growth, inflation, and policy mistakes

budapest magyarország magyar gazdaság
September 21, 2023 17:52

Hungary was on the verge of an exchange rate crisis - central bank chief

FinMin, cenbank current and former governors converse on key economic issues

Merre megy a forint? - A profik megmondják
July 05, 2023 11:45

Late night decree raises a host of questions about new Hungarian policies

Government seen tweaking sensitive legislation

virág barnabás mnb bef
June 19, 2023 09:40

MNB Deputy Governor: no return to previous negative real interest rates

Barnabás Virág also spoke about inflation

matolcsy györgy varha mihály mnb pm
May 19, 2023 11:38

Hungary cenbank chief meets FinMin again, sending message to markets

May meeting follows talk in April

March 08, 2023 13:49

Hungary cenbanker says bringing inflation down is a "tough job"

MNB Deputy Governor Virág speaks in Parliament

vihar villám település magyarország
August 16, 2021 16:28

Hungary chief Matolcsy sounds the alarm again

Warns of looming financial crisis

matolcsy györgy
July 26, 2021 16:44

Hungary chief fears restart of economy will fizzle out

Matolcsy slams cabinet for focus on construction instead of 'smart' projects

June 22, 2021 10:40

György Matolcsy's warning and the return of fiscal alcoholism

There's a job for monetary policy too

matolcsy gyorgy koltsegvetes hadjarat 210621
June 21, 2021 16:35

Cenbank chief to start campaign against potential "powerful financial attack" against Hungary

Overly high 2022 budget gap is the main enemy, says Matolcsy

varga mihaly penzügyminisztérium
May 10, 2021 14:30

"If we want to overtake on the bend, we have to step on the gas harder" - Hungary's Finance Minister

Mihály Varga on budget, recovery, pandemic, dispute with Fiscal Council, euro adoption

magyar lengyel cseh
December 04, 2020 16:01

CEE to put a cap on spending in 2021, monetary policy normalisation remains distant prospect

Fitch Solutions expects monetary, fiscal policy to remain accommodative, with limited room for easing

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