Label: "export"

kina szallitas kereskedelem export
September 08, 2023 09:04

Hungary's foreign trade balance keeps on improving

Major surplus expected this year

export trade
August 08, 2023 09:19

Hungarian foreign trade improving at an astonishing pace

€1.5 billion surplus in a single month

szijjártó péter
August 07, 2023 08:15

Hungarian Foreign Minister announces important facilitations for investment grants

He also talked about a new type of aid

July 18, 2023 10:32

Ukraine would continue grain shipments on the Black Sea even without Russian security guarantees

Zelensky claims that some transport companies have already indicated that they are in on it

budapest szabadsag hid
June 27, 2023 11:21

Hungary financing need improves massively

Lack of EU funds is already apparent

June 14, 2023 10:31

Hungary's industry ailing despite zippy battery plants

Economy off to a flimsy start in Q2

áruszállítás kamion határ
May 31, 2023 10:31

Hungary exhibits strong armour despite recession

New data published

kamionok az autópályán
May 09, 2023 10:00

Hungarian exports boom, huge surplus in foreign trade

Something not seen for more than two years

kina szallitas kereskedelem export
May 02, 2023 10:05

Hungary February foreign trade surplus revised upwardly

A significant improvement in the external balance is expected

April 26, 2023 10:05

Hungarian solar power plants temporarily outperform the Paks NPP on the sunny weekend

Production records were broken several times

April 06, 2023 10:45

Here's the sharp turnaround in Hungary's external balance!

February's trade balance was in surplus

April 03, 2023 08:53

European Commission: sanctions work, price cap on Russian oil remains

However, some member states would have reduced the $60 level further

Közel 20%-kal ugrott májusban az exportunk és az importunk
March 31, 2023 10:41

Nasty surprise in Hungary's foreign trade: external balance fails to improve

Stats office carries out major revision

varga mihály pénzügyminiszter
March 30, 2023 13:05

Do we really need to reshape the structure of the Hungarian economy? - Finance Minister

Exclusive article by Mihály Varga on Portfolio

építkezés daru
March 21, 2023 10:50

Architecture Act: Hungarian construction materials should be protected

Here are the planned measures by the Minister of Construction and Transport

March 07, 2023 09:00

Hungary's industry delivers nasty surprise

Output drops significantly

export trade
March 03, 2023 08:45

Hungary's horrific 2022 trade gap turned out to be even bigger

But it's not all doom and gloom

oroszország moszkva kreml orosz
February 22, 2023 15:31

Hungary pays a lot of money to Russia

Five EU countries step up imports from Russia

February 21, 2023 11:02

Hungary was Romania's main electricity trading partner in 2022

The only nuclear power plant has significantly overperformed