Label: "european commission"

Ursula von der Leyen európai bizottság ukrán háború szankciók
March 23, 2022 13:55

Commission adopts Temporary Crisis Framework to support economies hit by Russia-Ukraine war

Aims to mitigate impacts of war and sanctions

Orban Viktor Ursula von der Leyen RRF hitel elengedte a kormany 210427
March 23, 2022 08:55

Hungary Orbán asks Commission for all available EU funds

EU would provide part of the recovery funds to cut dependence on Russian energy

EU csucs Versailles
March 22, 2022 13:28

EU leaders to agree to unprecedented gas purchase measure

Set to jointly buy gas, LNG, draft statement shows

EU csucs Merkel Oroszorszag 210624
March 21, 2022 09:50

EU to mull embargo on Russian oil in fifth sanctions package

There could be two key triggers for such action

March 11, 2022 16:38

EU disburses 300 million euro in emergency funds to Ukraine

Second instalment due next week

Oroszország megfenyegette az Európai Uniót - Nem hagyja válasz nélkül az új szankciókat
March 09, 2022 14:23

EU publishes new sanctions package for Russia, Belarus

Additional sanctions for individuals, closing of financial loopholes, etc.

A német energia fele megújulókból jött, és meg is lett a látványos eredménye
March 08, 2022 17:39

Commission presents plan to end dependence on Russian energy

Rapidly, even before 2030

brusszel europai unio
March 08, 2022 15:10

EU plans major joint bond sales to rid of energy dependence on Russia

Defense spending would also be covered by these

ukrajna háború oroszország
March 08, 2022 14:10

New sanctions for Russia leaked

Could be adopted already today

March 02, 2022 16:38

Commission approves EUR 2 bn Hungarian investment support scheme

Towards a sustainable recovery

vlagyimir putyin shutter
February 27, 2022 20:26

Putin orders Russian nuclear deterrent forces put on alert

West comes up with new package of tougher sanctions

orban viktor orosz-ukran haboru
February 25, 2022 07:40

EU decides to introduce uniform sanctions, Orbán reports from Brussels

Membre States condemn Russia's belligerent actions against Ukraine

ursula von der leyen
February 24, 2022 09:39

EU clenches fist over Ukraine invasion, massive sanctions to befell Moscow

President Ursula von der Leyen addresses war situation

Ursula von der Leyen Charles Michel kozos nyilatkozat
February 24, 2022 08:50

EU to outline further sanctions on Russia for "military aggression" against Ukraine

Olaf Scholz, Mateusz Morawieczki sharply condemn attack

February 23, 2022 15:36

EU nods on EUR 80 million railway modernisation in Hungary

Overpass included

brusszel europai unio
February 23, 2022 13:47

EU sanctions against Russia locked and loaded, could enter into force shortly

Punishment is not overly painful yet, but harder strikes could follow

orosz harckocsik ukrajna
February 22, 2022 14:09

Russia unexpectedly shelves a casus belli in conflict with Ukraine

Some good news at last?

February 21, 2022 17:27

Hungary faces infringement procedure in Aegon-VIG case

If it fails to withdraw veto by 18 March

parlament orszaggyules
February 21, 2022 14:20

Suspension of EU funds credit negative for Hungary, Poland - Moody's

Near-term effect is limited, though