Label: "eu funds"

euro juan
June 15, 2023 12:00

Will Hungary really substitute EU funds with Chinese capital?

Talking about substitution does not make much sense

Nagy Márton 2023 Hitelezés
June 06, 2023 10:34

Hungary needs to switch to life without EU funds - minister

Interest rate freeze to be phased out in two stages

europai tanacs unios koltsegvetes 20200220
May 30, 2023 09:16

Brussels may actually prevent Hungary from its forthcoming European Council presidency

EU affairs' ministers deem the rule of law and anti-EU policy concerns too serious to overlook

Háborút hirdetett Brüsszel a bedőlt hitelek ellen
May 23, 2023 09:37

Negotiations on EU funds pick up speed, but Hungary would go to court on some issues

The latest judicial law amendment has helped the case, according to the Deputy Justice Minister

vera jourova europai bizottsag lengyel birosagi reform 210208
April 28, 2023 09:45

Brussels declares war on foreign agents, with many concerned about the Hungarian government's example

The Hungarian NGO law is not considered a good example

April 18, 2023 08:30

UK, Hungary and Poland to veto Von der Leyen's NATO appointment

Another month, another Hungarian veto in the talks

navracs tibor
March 23, 2023 10:25

Hungary's EU funds minister: we have fewer forgivable sins than other member states

Tibor Navracsics still hopes to receive EU funds in the summer

európai bizottság, uniós vizsgálat, olaf
February 24, 2023 08:43

OLAF finds fraud so serious that it demands billions of euros back from Hungary

Grave irregularities found in an education digitalisation tender

eu zászló
February 22, 2023 08:15

Hungary to receive another HUF 270 billion from the EU, but still unable to draw down the money

EUR 20 billion has been added to the recovery funds

Budapest Magyarország Hungary híd Duna
February 16, 2023 09:01

Fitch Solutions: double-dip recession erodes Hungarian growth

According to the analysts, the end of the interest rate freeze and the lack of EU funds would eat away at Hungarian GDP

gulyás gergely kormányinfo gulyás miniszterelnökség
February 09, 2023 12:06

Hungarian ministers resign from contested public interest fund positions

Budapest takes steps to free blocked EU funds

napelem ház
February 07, 2023 08:09

Hungarian government would spend EU RRF loan on energy projects - Telex

Possible spending target for HUF 4 trillion

navracsics tibor
February 06, 2023 11:05

Erasmus dispute: Hungarian gov't and Brussels debate to run longer

The European Commission will not give in as long as institutional independence is at stake

ti cpi cover
January 31, 2023 10:52

Sobering corruption report: EU has no member state more corrupt than Hungary

Hungary ranks worse than Romania and Bulgaria

európai uniós zászló európai bizottság
January 24, 2023 09:29

Another EU case opened over inadequate action against the Hungarian government

The EU Court of Auditors expects a firm hand in protecting the common budget

parlament magyar duna
January 22, 2023 22:05

Fitch cuts Hungary's outlook to negative

In first rating review of the year

Varga Judit interjú
January 20, 2023 09:28

Hungarian gov't quietly publishes the legislative amendments required for EU funding

The Ministry of Justice has posted its commitments on its website "for public consultation" in almost total secrecy

brusszel europai unio
December 23, 2022 10:29

European Commission's decision blocks billions of EU funds for Hungary

Brussels sends definitive response

December 09, 2022 09:29

Hungarian SMEs expended HUF 100 billion interest-free EU credit line in 4 hours

Applications still accepted until Tuesday