Label: "eu budget"

eu európai unió európai bizottság-európai-Európai-Unió-integráció-uniós-csatlakozás-zászló
February 11, 2025 08:44

EU to radically streamline the system for the use of funds

Greater emphasis would be placed on common objectives, but it could produce heated debates

európa űr, űrfotó
February 01, 2024 11:50

EU summit agrees on aid to Ukraine, as Hungary drops objection

Hungary's Orbán has apparently not vetoed

klimamegallapodas eu csucs brusszel 201011
January 31, 2024 09:52

Hungarian proposal swept aside in Brussels, rotating presidency might be taken away

If the Hungarian Prime Minister does not give in, the situation could escalate

brusszel europai unio
January 30, 2024 10:12

Politico: Hungary would contribute to Ukraine's EU support in a special way

The Germans' request would also be granted in Brussels

európai bizottság, eu, európai unió, uniós források, uniós vizsgálat
January 29, 2024 09:31

Financial Times: the EU is preparing to punish Hungary

Hungary is on the front page of the Financial Times over the EU summit and the aid for Ukraine

európai bizottság, eu, európai unió, uniós források, uniós vizsgálat
January 09, 2024 08:46

Brussels to rein in budgets when the Hungarian government has already overspent

Fiscal alcoholism or EU detox coming? Former Italian PM has a suggestion

európai bizottság, európai unió, EU,
December 22, 2023 12:31

Brussels says the Hungarian gov't has still not addressed rule of law concerns

The cabinet has not yet sent a signal to the European Commission on the conditionality procedure

Orban Viktor EU csucs Ukrajna csatlakozasi targyalas
December 18, 2023 09:14

All other EU countries seek to bypass Hungary on aid for Ukraine

There may be other options than amending the common budget

December 13, 2023 09:29

Hungarian government sets conditions for vote on Ukraine funding

The PM's political director provided some insight in a recent interview

uniós csúcs, európai tanács, európai tanács csúcstalálkozó
December 05, 2023 08:34

Bloomberg: Hungarian government to knock Ukraine's accession off EU agenda

Viktor Orbán writes again to the European Council

October 26, 2023 10:43

Hungary plans for the long term in the EU - PM's chief of staff

Gergely Gulyás also spoke about Israel, EU aid for Ukraine and the overheads reduction at the gov't press conference

uniós csúcs, európai tanács, európai tanács csúcstalálkozó
October 26, 2023 09:42

Budapest may veto in Brussels again, EU's proposed contribution increase at risk

EC's budget deal is becoming increasingly urgent

October 19, 2023 13:44

MEPs call for major top-up of 2024 EU budget

Urge adding EUR 6.3 billion

Magyarországi európai uniós támogatások.
July 24, 2023 10:53

EU projects would carry a different label under a proposed new legislation

"Financed by the citizens of the EU" instead of just "Financed by EU funds"

dana spinant
June 30, 2023 15:03

EU responds to Orbán's speculation that Brussels has used up Hungary's funds

The money is there, safe and sound

Maarten Verwey Europai Bizottsag DG ECFIN
March 13, 2023 08:45

Out with the old, in with the new: adapting the EU’s fiscal rules for the challenges ahead

Exclusive article on Portfolio by head of the EC's Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs

February 22, 2023 11:00

Hungarian gov't increases its share of the cost of certain local development projects

Due to the continued lack of EU funding

eu magyar
December 01, 2022 08:35

EU funds for Hungary blocked: Official explanation from Brussels

Insufficient progress on reforms

európai bizottság brüsszel eu európai unió
November 22, 2022 08:27

EU Commissioner says Hungarian measures may be enough to unblock EU funds

If they are all implemented