Exploration portfolio expanded by 10 new licences.
Profit doubled, yet share price is falling.
Analysts expect major profit growth for Q416.
Goldman Sachs turns extremely upbeat at once.
BlackRock opens new office in Budapest.
Mol Norge aims at drilling two exploration wells in 2017 and plans application in next APA licensing round too.
HSBC cuts rating, raises target price.
Citi ups target price, keeps rating.
The target price is HUF 22,500 per share.
MTel will appeal.
Zagreb sets up special body to tackle buyout.
Levosert goes to Europe.
Hungary wants to recover at least as much as was spent on INA.
As a result of a transaction announced last week.
By Goldman Sachs.
The rating is 'Buy'.
New details published about Mol vs. Croatia case.