Label: "epidemic"

koronavírus coronavirus virus
March 12, 2020 08:37

WHO declares coronavirus a global pandemic

Stresses it's also the first pandemic that can be beat

jhu clk koronavirus 0308
March 11, 2020 08:16

EU creates EUR 25 billion fund to mitigate economic fallout of coronavirus outbreak

EU leaders agree on further measures in videoconference

conte olaszország
March 10, 2020 08:28

The whole of Italy is under lockdown

The Prime Minister is asking everyone to stay home

March 09, 2020 11:55

Two more people are diagnosed with coronavirus in Hungary

One Hungarian, one Iranian

March 06, 2020 17:21

New information about the coronavirus situation in Hungary

No new infections so far, according to daily update

koronavírus lázmérés
March 06, 2020 08:42

Fourth coronavirus case diagnosed in Hungary

Girlfriend of Iranian student also infected

orban viktor
March 04, 2020 13:22

We cannot delude ourselves that Hungary will be spared by the coronavirus - Orbán

Prime Minister talks after V4 summit

gyári munkás factory worker dolgozó gyár
March 02, 2020 15:08

Hungary's economy already hit by coronavirus epidemic

Supply chains creaking and groaning

koronavírus vírus labor
February 28, 2020 09:22

WHO: Failure to prepare for coronavirus could be a "fatal mistake"

COVID-19 may spread to any country in the world

influenza járvány vírus betegség maszk
February 21, 2020 09:25

Flu still in full swing Hungary

37,000 new cases last week

koronavírus vírus labor
February 11, 2020 11:26

Flu keeps spreading in Hungary but coronavirus is not here yet

Infection highest in Budapest

February 10, 2020 16:20

EU to hold extraordinary meeting due to coronavirus

Virus spreading at an alarming rate