Label: "enlargement"

Várhelyi Olivér a magyar EU biztos
May 30, 2024 09:15

Hungarian gov't could possibly say goodbye to an important EU position

Inside sources say they are fed up with the current policy

europai bizottsag
August 30, 2023 10:07

Issue of enlargement causes debate among EU leaders

The Hungarian cabinet has so far remained silent, even though it is an important issue for them too

Európai Unió zaszlo
December 06, 2022 09:12

Hungarian EU Commissioner speaks about the need to enlarge the European Union

We should expand towards the Western Balkans according to Olivér Várhelyi

December 02, 2019 15:54

Visegrád four expect new Commission to step up EU enlargement

V4 to support Hungary's enlargement commissioner

Hungarian Prime minister Viktor Orbán
November 22, 2019 08:18

Hungary's Orbán promises tax reduction

New action plan to land in Q1 2020

Varhelyi Oliver hetfon mar atment a vizsgan
November 18, 2019 16:10

Hungary's commissioner candidate wins European Parliament approval

Written answers convince the necessary majority

matolcsy györgy
November 15, 2019 10:05

Matolcsy: the euro must be reformed

There is still time until the next crisis

Varhelyi Oliver nem ment at  brusszeli vizsgan1500
November 14, 2019 14:53

Hungarian Commission candidate put on hold by EP committee

Várhelyi will have to answer extra written questions

Varhelyi Oliver Orban Viktor unios biztos Ursula von der Leyen
October 29, 2019 11:58

Ursula von der Leyen green-lights Hungary's commissioner nominee replacement

Door opens for Olivér Várhelyi