PM addresses EU sanctions policy too
There's no scenario where we don't plunge into a recession
Energy giant Deputy CEO paints grim picture
Several measures on the table
State of the Union Address by the President of the European Commission
Three other options considered in Brussels, according to Portfolio
Here are the results of Portfolio's corporate survey
Jászapáti bath comes to a hard decision
5.8 million cubic metres more per day from Gazprom
Trade union MSzSz says 18 degrees Celsius is unaccetable
Russian deal was not as great as advertised
Starts firewood and brown coal programme
EUR 1.15 bn gap in July
President Ursula von der Leyen presents proposals
Output expands for the third month in a row
Talks about Russian gas too
Expectations worsened
Sector buffer is no more
Graphs show what's wrong with it