Label: "economy"

February 06, 2018 08:34

Biotech giant Foss to invest EUR 6.5 million in Hungary

In new R&D centre.

February 05, 2018 16:41

Hungary is worse than Ghana, Uganda, and Ukraine

Very last in EU in terms of budget transparency.

February 05, 2018 14:59

EU currently losing battle to boost energy efficiency

Consumption above energy efficiency target.

February 05, 2018 10:15

Hungarians' willingness to buy does not subside

Retail sales up 4.8% in 2017.

February 05, 2018 09:44

Hungarian cenbanker pledges no rate change until end-2020

Loose policy stance affirmed by Deputy Governor.

February 02, 2018 15:21

Hungary EcoMin meets local pharma manufacturers

Government to support the sector.

February 02, 2018 12:37

Hungarian banking sector records sharpest lending growth since 2008

Now we have all the data for 2017.

February 02, 2018 08:11

EU grants Hungary huge funding for Budapest-Esztergom railway

Modernisation is on its way.

February 01, 2018 08:59

House price increase decelerates in Hungary - cenbank

Here are the latest figures.

February 01, 2018 08:00

Shocking data: labour shortage has never been this painful in Hungary

Nine out of ten companies complain.

January 31, 2018 09:05

Hungary Mol raises price of gasoline

January 31, 2018 08:09

Sberbank says has no plans to exit Hungary

Russian lender denies report of plans to sell European units.