Label: "economics"

March 07, 2024 13:35

New economics needs new metrics - Hungarian central banker

MNB presents discussion paper on alternative measures of GDP

300 ezer szülő csúszhat le a családi adókedvezményről, ha nem figyel
November 29, 2023 09:17

Downward social mobility has been steadily increasing in Hungary in the last few decades

Also life expectancy thrown back to where it was 10-15 years ago, according to the Labour Market Yearbook 2022

December 14, 2022 09:45

Jeffrey D. Sachs: Nuclear escalation possible, we need to fight against it

Big interview with world-renowned professor of economics at Columbia University

October 09, 2017 11:27

Bitcoin is a bubble, but it's okay - Nobel Prize Laureate

Thomas J. Sargent interview with Portfolio.

March 31, 2017 23:27

World’s leading economists ask Hungary to withdraw anti-CEU legislation

Including 14 Nobel Laureates.