Label: "dunaferr"

dunaferr dunaujváros
July 16, 2024 11:26

Grave problems at the "rescued" Dunaújváros steel works

Workers sent on downtime, wages late at the Liberty Dunaújváros plant

dunaferr dunaujváros
June 27, 2024 13:05

Liberty Dunaújváros ironworks reorganises operations, sends several workers on "downtime"

Bitter news from the rescued Dunaújváros factory

liberty dunaújváros dunaferr
June 10, 2024 13:05

Turnaround in the "rescue" of Hungary's Dunaferr - Liberty Dunaújváros shutting down cokers

Timing of the announcement is most peculiar

dunaferr liberty
January 09, 2024 08:16

Rebirth of Dunaferr, renamed LIBERTY Dunaújváros, gets underway

The rolling mills have been restarted

October 24, 2023 09:43

Liberty Steel officially acquires Dunaferr, renames the plant

The new name is Liberty Dunaújváros

October 10, 2023 16:05

Hungarian gov't rewrites 'lex battery plant' law, but leaves a loophole

Many players excluded, some are still granted exemption

papp lászló
October 10, 2023 08:35

Mayor of Debrecen calls on the government to close the loophole left for battery factories

Fidesz-KDNP's László Papp says it is unacceptable for polluting factories to avoid being held accountable

October 03, 2023 17:11

Commission clears acquisition of Hungary's Dunaferr

By Liberty Steel

September 29, 2023 15:01

New owner of Hungary's Dunaferr could win EU nod within weeks

Waiting for completion of merger control procedure

dunaferr dunaújváros vasmű
August 10, 2023 10:38

Unpleasant news around the newly acquired Dunaferr - what is behind it?

The deterioration of the market environment came at the worst time

munkás dolgozó fizikai acélipar
July 12, 2023 11:00

Dunaferr sale officially concluded

The result was expected, this is what thousands of people were waiting for

acél vasmű dunaferr
June 30, 2023 08:50

Dunaferr acquisition may be pushed back

Due to a recent government decree

Kormanyinfo bejelentes 2023 junius
June 19, 2023 12:40

Hungary intervenes in fixed-price electricity contracts of businesses

Price cap implemented in three sectors

dunaferr dunaújváros vasmű
June 15, 2023 11:40

It's official: two left in race for Hungarian steel works Dunaferr

Which is currently under liquidation

Guntram Wurzberg cimlap2
May 22, 2023 12:00

E.ON ready to invest EUR 1 billion in Hungarian grid, but needs predictable regulatory environment

Exclusive interview with Chairman-CEO of E.ON Hungária

dunaferr dunaújváros vasmű
May 11, 2023 09:14

Dunaferr case: Liberty Steel has indeed come forward as a potential buyer

Recent Hungarian press reports proved false

dunaferr dunaújváros vasmű
April 21, 2023 15:04

Liquidator announces sale of Hungarian steel works Dunaferr

Nearly 3,700 workers can be affected

March 08, 2023 10:45

Dunaferr employees to receive their February salaries soon

The government has taken over the payment of wages for six months

liberty steel acélipar dunaferr
February 17, 2023 08:38

Dunaferr saviour pays visit to Dunaújváros

The reopening of the plant was celebrated

acél vasmű dunaferr
February 14, 2023 10:15

One of Dunaferr's blast furnaces restarted, operation guaranteed for several months

State Secretary Gergely Fábián and MP Lajos Mészáros presented the details