Speeding and DUI remain the main causes of accidents
And more of them drive someone else's car
E-vignette revenue up 31% in 2023
Lower average prices and more favourable lending rates are expected
Only hybrid electric vehicle registrations show growth in EU
Impact of 16.4% price hike is undeniable
Purchasing power of earnings has fallen, while there are many cars for sale
821,000 vehicles change hands
A record could be broken in 2023
New car registrations decline only in Hungary in January-October
More than half of locals drive a car older than 16 years
But it's still not enough for a turnaround
New survey out
Weight-based split proposed for B and B+ categories
While records are being broken
One ministry wants relaxation, the other opposes it
Car purchase patterns examined in eight countries
Silver lining for motorists
Survey of 22 countries show