Label: "doctor"

állami egészségügy kórház beteg sérült
July 19, 2024 13:00

Hungarian health care lacks thousands of billions - MOK Secretary General

Tamás Svéd spoke of the healthcare's current situation in an interview

March 07, 2024 10:06

Number of people with chronic kidney disease rises alarmingly

An estimated 1.5 million people are affected in Hungary

orvos kórház egészségügy
January 18, 2024 10:06

On-call GP system in Pest county to be butchered, only 11 points to remain

Some places will be 40 kilometres from the nearest doctor

egészségügy, egészségügyi dolgozó, ápoló, orvos, orvoshiány,
September 04, 2023 09:49

Hospital Association President warns of severe staff shortages

Health workers are promised a pay rise for next March

pintér sándor belügyminiszter egészségügy állami egészségügy kórház
July 27, 2023 12:34

Hungarian Medical Chamber holds talks with the Ministry of the Interior

On the restructuring of the Hungarian healthcare system

March 21, 2023 11:12

Hungarian gov’t to ’relieve’ municipalities of outpatient care

Not everyone likes the public takeover plan

December 30, 2022 11:03

Hungary's doctor shortage worsens

The situation is difficult in many parts of the country

December 29, 2022 11:26

Good news for Hungarian nurses: gov't decides on pay rise

It will be done in two stages

Recseg-ropog a Honvédkórház gépezete: orvosok mentek el, akik nem akarnak honvédek lenni
December 21, 2022 09:29

Hungarian Medical Chamber: the government's latest plans are devastating for the healthcare system on a large scale

A letter was sent to colleagues by the Medical Chamber

betegség orvosi vizsgálat doktor
December 02, 2022 08:21

Hungarian Medical Chamber prepares for protest action

An extraordinary general assembly may be called

ápoló kórház egészségügy
June 15, 2021 09:20

Hungary health workers may quit in droves again

Survey finds one in two preparing to leave

koronavírus járvány beteg kórház
November 02, 2020 09:11

Optometrists, dentists treat critical patients in coronavirus wards

Medical chamber demands to be involved in drafting new regulations

orvos kórház egészségügy
October 28, 2020 10:30

Three in four Hungarian doctors reject new status law

40% ready to leave public healthcare

orbán viktor semjén zsolt parlament fidesz járvány
October 26, 2020 17:01

Coronavirus upsets Hungary's key budget goal

A whole new budget in the making

kórház felújítás egészségügy orvosok
October 07, 2020 17:25

Hungarian Medical Chamber awakens and shouts "We'll not be soldiers!"

They think a barrage of doctors will chose private care instead

orvos koronavírus járvány kórház
October 07, 2020 15:30

Doctors about to make a call that will decide the future of Hungary's health care

Ten thousand physicians on the fence

kórház orvos
May 26, 2020 09:10

Hungarian Medical Chamber rejects minister Kásler's scapegoating

Minister is responsible for the consequences of hospital bed evacuations, doctors insist

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