Label: "deposit"

virág ablak ház
March 04, 2024 15:40

Home loans come back from the grave, retail lending explodes in Hungary

Lower interest rates have captured the imagination of Hungarians

Mit művelt a forint árfolyama a kamatdöntés után?
September 26, 2023 08:52

Government extends compulsory store promotions

...and the deposit interest cap, and the restriction on central bank discount bonds, for another three months.

August 10, 2023 15:55

Wartime repercussion: deposits held in Ukrainian banks up 55%

Ukrainian deposit insurance experience also strengthens financial stability in Europe

July 04, 2023 11:49

Hungary housing loans plummet in May

Central bank data show

parlament budapest orzágház getty stock
June 27, 2023 09:07

Hungarian government extends the deposit rate freeze

No loopholes for market actors

nagy márton varga mihály
March 23, 2023 09:00

Hungarian gov't meddles with central bank benchmark tool

Give and take continues

December 02, 2022 16:20

Banks worried that Hungarians don't need their credit anymore

October central bank statistics show significant contraction

nagy márton
November 21, 2022 13:04

No more speculative gains on bank deposits - Hungary Development Minister

Gov't caps interest until 31 March.

K&H Bank
November 14, 2022 15:29

K&H profits halved due to Hungarian government measures

The bank still managed to increase its market share in a number of areas.

September 02, 2022 15:02

Calm before the storm at Hungarian banks: bigger blow than new special tax looms

Sector's first-half profit exceeds HUF 200 billion

September 01, 2022 12:54

Housing loans in Hungary: We haven't seen this since the hardest Covid times

Corporates taking out more and more foreign currency loans

March 01, 2022 09:03

Hungary central bank limits withdrawals at Sberbank

Supervisor takes control of the bank

hitelfelvétel maszkban
February 04, 2022 17:05

Hungarians have never before taken out so much credit, but high interests could strike back

Central bank releases annual data on credits and deposits

January 06, 2022 06:00

Calm before the storm? Records repeatedly broken on the Hungarian lending market

Central bank's November 2021 report in the spotlight

March 04, 2021 15:16

Cold shower from Hungarian banks: loan market weakened by coronavirus

Central bank publishes extremely anemic figures for early 2021

October 05, 2020 13:10

What crisis? Hungarian banks shrug off coronavirus

Consumer lending shows drastic decline, though

December 04, 2019 14:45

This is how Hungary's prenatal loan wreaks havoc

Pre-crisis records keep being broken

July 08, 2019 14:51

What are Hungarian households doing? Calm before the storm at housing loans

Corporations continue to borrow big.

June 06, 2019 09:30

Hungarian retail deposits hit HUF 9,000 bn record in April

Forint loans continue to gain weight in corporate lending.

May 07, 2019 12:14

Unexpected boom at housing loans, personal credit skyrocket

There you go, pessimistic bankers!