Label: "debt"

Aál vizsgálódik a GVH
June 21, 2024 09:33 has serious issues again, several Hungarian accommodation providers in difficulty

There are problems with the company's financial IT system

kórházi folyosó
April 26, 2024 08:25

Outstanding debts of Hungarian public institutions reach a historic high

HUF 134 billion in arrears, never before so high

Átok ül Európán: kísértenek a bedőlt hitelek
July 11, 2023 10:22

Hungarian gov't amends the rules on private bankruptcy

The amount limits change

March 31, 2023 10:19

Average household wealth in Hungary does not compare well with the rest of the EU

On the other hand, the situation has improved for loans

acél vasmű dunaferr
December 08, 2022 18:23

Largest Hungarian steel works Dunaferr could shut down for good on Monday

If the ovens and the coker are shut off, liquidation is inevitable

vallakozas szamla adozas
November 29, 2022 09:13

Debt of Hungarian public institutions swells enormously as a result of the payment freeze

The phenomenon of circular debt has emerged

varga mihály pénzügyminiszter
December 10, 2021 09:18

Hungary postpones HUF 350 bn investments

To improve year-end debt rate

varga mihály pénzügyminiszter
September 24, 2021 11:57

Hungary must start decreasing debt again, Finance Minister says

Digitalisation should be stepped up according to Varga

August 16, 2021 10:16

Hungary may lose top spot in European CPI ranking in July

GDP, debt statistics also coming up this week

Budapesti Értéktőzsde
July 19, 2021 15:46

Scope affirms AutoWallis' B+ issuer rating, revises outlook to stable

Ahead of HUF 6 bn bond issue

July 08, 2021 08:54

High debt, deficit not sustainable, central bank governor says

For vulnerable emerging economies like Hungary

euro coronavirus
June 30, 2021 13:40

Hungary’s debt climbs to 81% of GDP in Q1

A seven-year high

villamos budapest duna híd getty stock
June 09, 2021 10:00

Hungarian households keep nearly HUF 10,000 bn in gov’t securities

Household savings up HUF 535 bn in January-April

parlament halászbástya budapest getty stock
April 21, 2021 15:22

Raiffeisen projects 5% GDP growth for 2021

Double-digit rebound expected from Q2

parlament halászbástya budapest getty stock
April 01, 2021 17:57

Hungary well ahead of 2021 financing plan in Q1

Fewer bond auctions form April

magyar parlament magyarország
March 29, 2021 09:00

The week we’ll find out how much Hungary’s debt increased

Short but action-packed week coming up

December 31, 2020 15:11

Hungary Q3 debt 74.3% of GDP

Debt could reach 80% by end of 2020

parlament magyarország budapest
November 12, 2020 11:05

Hungary amends 2020 financing plan

ÁKK to sell even more FX bonds