Label: "cpi"

varga mihaly portfolio budapest economic forum
July 21, 2023 09:35

Hungary FinMin says budget to be reviewed in Sept, central bank law to be amended

Varga stresses importance of forint stability

régi európa térkép
July 19, 2023 12:15

Hungarian inflation still champion in Europe, but has fallen below a psychological level

Inflation measured according to European methodology is already below 20%

mnb jegybank
July 07, 2023 10:53

Hungarian central bank figures also show inflation retreat on every front

Measures of underlying inflation developments published

Nagyot drágul a benzin és a gázolaj
July 05, 2023 08:36

Hungarian fuel prices could reach HUF 650 per litre - forecast

Think tank GKI comes up with forlorn estimate

kiskereskedelem bolt infláció bevásárlás
July 04, 2023 17:01

Inflation started to ebb in Hungary, but vast majority of firms plan to raise prices

Three out of four businesses would sell produce for more

Drámai jóslat érkezett a gyenge forintról - Megszólaltak az elemzők a történelmi mélypont után
July 03, 2023 16:45

When could Hungary's forint ease above 400 versus the euro?

Here's a projection, and others too for the Hungarian economy

idős dolgozó worker munkavállaló
June 23, 2023 08:30

No unemployment in Hungary despite crisis

Employment at high level

Döntött az MNB: jön az azonnali átutalás
June 22, 2023 11:38

Hungary central bank vexed by inflation of banking and telecom services

Inflation Report published

Megmondta a tutit az MNB: soha nem látott ábrák a biztosításainkról
June 20, 2023 16:50

Hungarian central bank raises its inflation estimate

While keeping GDP projection unchanged

June 20, 2023 15:35

Everything points to a sharp deceleration of inflation - Hungary central banker

Barnabás Virág talks monetary policy

June 13, 2023 12:00

Romania reaches what Hungary can only dream of

Inflation half of Hungarian CPI

Megállította a forintesést egy fontos szint
June 13, 2023 09:46

Markets do not fancy Hungarian minister's proposal to tweak inflation target

An irresponsible proposal when inflation is still so high

nagy márton
June 12, 2023 11:20

Hungary Development Minister Nagy urges cenbank to set inflation target higher

Higher CPI goal would help real interest rates drop, he argues

June 09, 2023 11:30

Hungarian gov't takes unexpected step amidst fight against inflation

How much will excise tax hike on fuel will fuel inflation?

infláció bolt beváráslás fogyasztás kisker
June 08, 2023 10:44

Hungary cenbank inflation measures also show substantial easing

Underlying inflation retreats too

Brutális különbség a multik és a kisboltok között - Százezerrel is többet kereshetsz
June 08, 2023 08:40

A pleasant surprise at last: inflation drops sharply in Hungary

A much-awaited fall