No improvement in certain sectors at all
Globel Economic Outlook paints forlorn picture
Consumer prices keep on rising
CPI rises to 8.5% yr/yr in March
March CPI data to be released Friday morning
But who is right? (De kinek van igaza?)
This is not the end of rate hikes by far
Country split in respect of real wage growth
Central bank estimates worsen, but bank retains mid-term optimism
MNB calculates impacts of price freezes
MNB releases updated CPI, GDP estimates
MNB turns a lot more gloomier
Deputy Governor talks about rationale behind rate hike
Rate of increase greater than average
Worst price increase wave of almost two decades
February inflation data released
The two key words are predictability and flexibility
The key macroeconomic events and releases this week
Pace as expected, MNB does not react to war situation in Ukraine
Difficult decade ahead, says Matolcsy