Label: "cpi"

June 18, 2024 17:41

Hungary central bank releases updated GDP, CPI estimates

Ahead of Inflation Report due Thursday

June 10, 2024 09:54

Hungary's inflation rose but came in lower than expected in May

Slight decrease on a monthly, increase on a yearly basis

bolt, kiskereskedelem, infláció, bevárlás, akció, élelmiszerinfláció
June 07, 2024 11:15

Hungary's inflation seen picking up a bit

Headline index breaches central bank target range in May - analysts

tőzsde piac részvény getty stock
May 13, 2024 09:46

Data release that broke the markets last time to arrive again this week

The long-awaited US inflation will arrive, amid some other significant releases

Úgy tűnhetnek el a bankok, mint a vonalas telefonok a mobilok után
May 10, 2024 11:20

It's astonishing what service companies in Hungary are doing with their prices

Central bank measures of underlying inflation published

May 10, 2024 08:30

Disinflation is over for a while in Hungary

Price index rises in April, breaking 14-month streak

May 09, 2024 16:40

'Demon' vanishes from Hungarian shops

Prices have barely risen in grocery stores

May 02, 2024 16:10

Hungarian economy will recover gradually - MBH Bank

Economists expect GDP growth of 2.7% this year and 3.7% in 2025

imf valutaalap
April 16, 2024 17:26

IMF does not think Hungary will reach 2.5% growth target this year

USA seen expanding rapidly, Europe expected to suffer - WEO

bankjegy forint
April 12, 2024 12:35

Hungary central bank assesses March CPI data

Own measures of underlying inflation also show reducion

mnb inflacios jelentes
March 28, 2024 13:15

A weak forint is bad for inflation, according to Hungary's central bank

Inflation Report published

mnb magyar nemzeti bank
March 08, 2024 11:57

Hungary cenbank happy about February CPI print

There are some minor warning signs, though

infláció forint
March 07, 2024 10:10

Retreat of inflation could have balked in Hungary

New data to be released on Friday

európai bizottság, eu, európai unió, uniós források, uniós vizsgálat
February 15, 2024 13:35

European Commission publishes new estimates for Hungary

Recovering growth, receding inflation

nagy márton nemzetgazdasági miniszter
February 12, 2024 11:52

No need for scaremongering about the Hungarian economy overheating - minister

Márton Nagy stands by current economic policy direction

Így lesznek nyitva a boltok az ünnepek alatt
February 09, 2024 11:20

Hungary January inflation undershoots central bank forecast

MNB publishes CPI assessment

February 09, 2024 09:06

Hungarian inflation below 4% in January

It came in lower than expected again