Label: "coronavirus"

May 26, 2020 10:22

Coronavirus hits Hungarian households in western regions hardest

Regions relying on tourism, car industry the most vulnerable

varga kover
May 26, 2020 10:09

Hungary FinMin Varga presents the 2021 budget

Pension premium, 13th-month pension to be paid

May 26, 2020 09:11

WHO warns of 'immediate second peak'

If lockdown is lifted too soon

kórház orvos
May 26, 2020 09:10

Hungarian Medical Chamber rejects minister Kásler's scapegoating

Minister is responsible for the consequences of hospital bed evacuations, doctors insist

May 26, 2020 08:45

COVID-19 in Hungary: 3,771 infected, 499 dead, 1,836 recovered

Spread of virus seems to be slowing

koronavírus munkahely védelem
May 25, 2020 13:50

Hungary’s economic protection package has impact on 1.2 mn people

Kurzarbeit helps 120,000

müller cecília optörzs mti
May 25, 2020 12:57

Hungary sees tail end of COVID-19, CMO says

Economy protected successfully

koronavius maszk
May 25, 2020 09:49

COVID-19 in Hungary: 3,756 infected, 491 dead, 1,711 recovered

Daily case number lowest since early April

parlament orbán
May 22, 2020 14:58

Separate Health Insurance Fund to be scrapped in Hungary in 2021

According to Fiscal Council opinion on 2021 draft budget

orban vitkor kossuth radio interju200522
May 22, 2020 09:29

Hungary's Orbán feels perkier, more "macho"

PM trusts in rapid recovery from coronavirus crisis

May 21, 2020 16:30

Let's see how drastically coronavirus will run Hungary down

Portfolio draws up recession scenarios

May 21, 2020 11:30

Hungarian gov't to initiate revocation of special powers next week

Measures remain in place

May 21, 2020 08:55

EasyJet to take off again in mid-June with strict rules

With only UK and France on the schedule initially

May 21, 2020 08:46

COVID-19 in Hungary: mortality rate finally stops growing

Daily figures indicate stagnation

mol olajipar
May 21, 2020 08:25

Hungary Mol decides against shutting down petrol stations

Fuel sales improve as restrictive measures in coronavirus pandemic are eased in

európai bizottság_getty_stock
May 20, 2020 16:59

Commission uncovers problems with Hungary amidst coronavirus crisis

Makes five recommendations

koronavírus étterem terasz
May 20, 2020 11:45

Controlling COVID-19 pandemic will be a long and tedious battle

Alternating cycle of strict lockdown and subsequent easing could be most effective

gyári dolgozó heggeszt factory worker
May 20, 2020 09:29

COVID-19: Council adopts temporary support to mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency (SURE)

Up to EUR 100 billion of loans under favourable terms to member states

May 20, 2020 09:25

COVID-19 past its peak in Hungary, JP Morgan says

Mortality rate highest in EMEA region