Label: "coronavirus"

korhaz műtét kórház
February 10, 2021 10:56

Elective surgery waiting lists in Hungary grow to brutal size

Wait times increase up to tenfold

orbán viktor operatív törzs ülés döntés korlátozó intézkedés
February 10, 2021 09:47

60% of Hungarians continue to support lockdown, poll finds

Reopening camp grows to 22%

February 10, 2021 09:13

COVID-19: Third wave slowly gathering pace

1,279 new cases, 98 deaths over the past 24 hours

February 10, 2021 08:58

Hungary issues Sputnik V manual

Instructions on Russian vaccine belated and sketchy

orbán kormány
February 10, 2021 08:35

Hungarian government sets up sizeable new fund

In the 2021 budget

operativ törzs
February 09, 2021 13:47

Virus data in Hungary ‘warrant attention’, CMO says

24 cases of British COVID mutation found in Hungary so far

maszk koronavírus
February 09, 2021 10:30

COVID-19 in Hungary: 1,079 new cases on Monday

With 94 fatalities

February 08, 2021 17:13

Hungary will not vaccinate people with chronic diseases with Russian COVID-19 vaccine

Not that it's not fine, says CMO

export trade
February 08, 2021 11:05

Hungary’s exports back on track in December

2020 foreign trade surplus up 32% yr/yr

oltás vakcina koronavírus mti
February 08, 2021 09:24

COVID-19 in Hungary: 1,160 new cases on Sunday

Nearly 300,000 people vaccinated

Varga mihály interjút ad 2
February 05, 2021 16:31

Hungary FinMin presents outlook on 2021 economic growth

2020 recession smaller than previously thought, GDP growth seen booming in Q2

kormányinfo gulyás gergely szentkirályi alexandra
February 05, 2021 11:18

Hungary plans to re-open economy in two stages

Partial opening on 1 March and early April

oltás vakcina koronavírus
February 05, 2021 11:11

COVID-19 in Hungary: 1,576 new cases, 98 fatalities on Thursday

No improvement in sight

Ursula von der Leyen velemeny cikk digitalis atallas europai bizottsag 200219
February 05, 2021 10:44

Hungarian gov’t to bear responsibility for Chinese, Russian vaccines – von der Leyen

Emergency approval shifts burden, EC president warns

ipar termelés vírus koronavírus factory worker
February 05, 2021 09:29

Hungarian industry struggling

Feeble performance in December 2020

orbán viktor miniszterelnök
February 05, 2021 08:49

Hungary's Orbán reveals new details about re-opening plan

65+ age group to be vaccinated by early March at the latest

February 04, 2021 10:48

COVID-19 in Hungary: 1,652 new cases on Wednesday

Nearly a quarter million people vaccinated

February 03, 2021 13:33

Hungary to vaccinate 40,000 elderly people this week

Family doctors given priority lists

koronavirus lezárás magyarország
February 03, 2021 09:57

COVID-19 in Hungary: 1,048 new cases on Tuesday

Vaccination coverage reaches 2.5%

February 02, 2021 13:37

First Sputnik V batch arrives in Hungary today

40,000 vials of Russian COVID-19 vaccine to be delivered