Label: "companies"

January 16, 2017 09:32

ANALYST VIEW - HSBC raises target price for Hungary's Mol

The rating is 'Buy'.

January 13, 2017 13:47

Hungary's Sziget sold to global asset management firm

Providence Equity Partners is the buyer, staff remain.

January 13, 2017 11:46

Court rules Hungary's Mol did not neglect Croatian subsidiary INA

New details published about Mol vs. Croatia case.

January 12, 2017 11:31

ANALYST VIEW - Mol gets HUF 26,765 target price

Bank of America Merrill Lynch says you should buy Mol.

January 12, 2017 10:52

Dispute in Croatia on how to buy back INA from Hungary's Mol

The best solutions would be a new strategic partner.

January 11, 2017 17:07

Proposals to be tabled in Brussels vital for Hungary

Will Hungary need to raise corporate tax rate after 2020?

January 11, 2017 13:42

What wil happen to Budapest Bank? Flash interview with outgoing CEO

György Zolnai answers Portfolio's questions.

January 11, 2017 12:12

BREAKING NEWS (again) - Raiffeisen Hungary to replace CEO

Outgoing Budapest Bank chief is the incoming CEO.

January 11, 2017 11:54

Obi carries out whopping wage hike

44% pay rise over a year, after 7-yr wage freeze.

January 11, 2017 09:11

Hungary Mol regains nearly 2 million own shares

Good news, as transparency grows.

January 11, 2017 08:41

Hungary's MKB Bank finances Andy Vajna's TV2

This is how Vajna paid for Eximbank loan.

January 09, 2017 08:02

Hungary Mol COO exercises call option

On over 12,000 shares.

January 05, 2017 15:32

2nd firm throws in towel on Budapest Stock Exchange this year

Plotinus had enough of the burdens of being listed.

January 05, 2017 11:39

Hungary Richter CEO says they must be "much more aggressive"

In female healthcare product acquistions.

January 04, 2017 16:50

Croatia to foot legal bill in case lost against Hungary's Mol

The costs of the lawsuit have already been high.