Label: "building"

házépítés építkezés
November 06, 2023 10:00

Housing construction plummets - Turnaround still a long way in Hungary

Number of new dwellings down 21% yr/yr in January-September

építőipar építkezés
October 16, 2023 10:35

Hungary's construction sector dashes even the faintest hopes

August turns out feeble

September 19, 2023 12:25

Hungary construction industry faces 2024 with gloomy prospects, but there is good news

ÉVOSZ President makes important proposals

gyárépítés, beruházás, építőipar, gyárlétesítés
September 15, 2023 09:00

Hungary's construction sector shows surprising leap

July brings about massive growth

September 11, 2023 08:20

Hungarian residential property developers haven't been this passive for 10 years

The willingness to build condominiums is at a low point

Bevették a kínaiak az építőipart: 10-es rangsor a legnagyobbakról
September 08, 2023 17:15

Budapest dethroned - See where Hungary has the most construction activity starts

Unusual directions in Hungary's construction sector

Megint csurrant-cseppent a kormány az építőipari cégeknek
August 15, 2023 09:07

More dismal news on the Hungarian construction industry

Production fell again in June

ház építés
August 11, 2023 09:07

Tough times ahead for the construction industry, but there is good news for builders

A serious downturn is apparent, here's how the numbers are shaping up

July 31, 2023 09:08

Housing construction take a dive in Hungary

Dwelling builds drop like a stone

lánchíd palota
July 13, 2023 08:39

International Investment Bank does not let go of the Chain Bridge Palace

Even though it is no longer used as a headquarters

építkezés építőipar
June 14, 2023 08:30

Hungary construction sector sinking ever deeper into mud pit

Second quarter starts with lousy performance too

Építkezés Építőipar
May 22, 2023 16:23

European construction output falls most since August 2021

Interest rates bite

építőipari munka
May 15, 2023 10:00

Hungary construction industry ailing, and it's only going to get worse this year

First quarter performance feeble

új lakás
May 10, 2023 17:05

Hungary new home market slams on the brakes

Feeble condominium housing project starts in Q1

építkezés, lakóépület
May 04, 2023 10:40

Forecasts seem to have been confirmed: dwelling construction down markedly in Hungary

Stats office publishes first quarter data

új lakás régi ház modern romos fejlesztés lepusztult
April 18, 2023 15:07

Budapest housing prices are almost completely frozen

Real estate network publishes comprehensive analysis

April 13, 2023 10:58

Hungary construction sector recovers some, but big picture remains bleak

Orders data signal contraction

építkezés, építőipar, fúró, fúrás, alapozás
March 29, 2023 15:15

How does the Hungarian construction industry compare with the rest of Europe?

Differences on spectacular charts

faanyag építkezés
March 22, 2023 13:24

Key factors hampering construction company operations in Hungary

Survey results published