Label: "budget"

March 22, 2023 10:09

Hungarian gov't quadruples the amount of the Agricultural Damage Compensation Fund

More than 22,000 farmers will receive more than HUF 50 billion - at the cost of several other budget items, however

thierry breton
March 14, 2023 12:29

EC and Hungarian gov't on the same page over the new EU funding allocation

No new loans are wanted for the subsidy competition

Maarten Verwey Europai Bizottsag DG ECFIN
March 13, 2023 08:45

Out with the old, in with the new: adapting the EU’s fiscal rules for the challenges ahead

Exclusive article on Portfolio by head of the EC's Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs

orbán viktor kormány
March 09, 2023 08:23

Hungarian gov't taps the Overheads Protection Fund once again

Now nearly HUF 100 billion had to be withdrawn

varga mihály pénzügyminiszter
March 08, 2023 10:11

The government has done what it could to fight inflation - FinMin

The 2024 budget will also be prepared soon

March 03, 2023 08:29

Hungary FinMin divulges end-2023 inflation estimate

Yup, it's a single-digit figure

oktatas tanitas osztalyterem
March 03, 2023 08:27

Hungarian gov't puts its wage promises to teachers in writing

Increase will only happen if EU money comes

Magyarországi európai uniós támogatások.
February 24, 2023 08:23

EU Commissioner speaks on Hungarian EU funds

Promises will not be enough for the Commission

February 22, 2023 11:00

Hungarian gov't increases its share of the cost of certain local development projects

Due to the continued lack of EU funding

Lázár János kormánybiztos
February 16, 2023 09:27

Hungary gov't to redirect capacity from welfare investments towards industry - minister

János Lázár gives in-depth interview on the state of the construction industry

európai bizottság, uniós vizsgálat, olaf
February 09, 2023 10:46

Hungarian gov't has to consult the European Commission on the aid for the planned CATL plant

Around €320 billion of state aid is at stake

February 08, 2023 12:25

Hungary budget kicks off year with nasty gap

Nearly HUF 150 bn hole in state coffers

kamionok az autópályán
January 30, 2023 11:05

Important deadline for Hungarian motorway stickers tomorrow

Hungarian gov't seems to have underestimated the profitability of e-vignettes

parlament sötét magyarország
January 24, 2023 10:37

Tough austerity measures included in the 2023 Hungarian budget

...while defending the overheads cuts. We've culled 166 pages to get the gist.

országgyűlés parlament
January 20, 2023 08:45

Hungary 'premature' 2023 budget nursed into full, healthy state

Budget birthed by decree doubles in size

varga mihály bef
January 03, 2023 13:05

Hungary FinMin speaks about 2022 budget deficit and public debt

According to Mihály Varga, the deficit target is achieved

January 03, 2023 09:59

Hungarian government sector runs a large deficit

The latest data are available

2023 adóváltozások
January 02, 2023 09:02

Taxation in Hungary sees unprecedented developments in the new year

This is how we tax, or try to tax, in 2023

parlament feketeség magyarország budapest
December 30, 2022 09:59

Hungarian gov't completely rewrites 2023 budget by decree, here are the biggest surprises

We try to untangle the hidden knots, because there are some