Analyst says cabinet has an important new goal
Several important data will arrive that could determine the exchange rate
Deficit may have been above target last year on accrual basis
Rejoinder to György Surányi
The debate continues
The Greek crisis and the Hungarian situation
Portfolio surveyed renowned Hungarian macroeconomic analysts
Apparently for the originally intended purposes
We show them in our latest macro calendar
Either by phasing them out or by merging them
Several sectoral special taxes also to be abolished
There are serious risks to both the growth and deficit targets
The 51-point draft was published on Wednesday evening
Key figures come amid heightened international sentiment
A taster of the detailed budget figures
The Finance Ministry refuted the claims
The optimistic government forecasts did not come true
Savings to be paid into the central budget by mid-December this year
Public debt figures rewritten - it remains a mystery why it was not communicated
The business sector is the main driving force, but the figures are low altogether