Label: "budapest"

November 15, 2023 09:35

Hungarian gov't prepares for massive further expropriations for the Budapest-Belgrade railway

A new draft decree lists thousands of properties

lányok budapest_getty stock
November 02, 2023 13:35

Budapest residents' nationalities revealed - China, Ukraine, Vietnam in Top3

Diverse foreign diaspora in the Hungarian capital

September 26, 2023 16:55

Gov't further increases the budget for the Budapest-Belgrade railway line

Another HUF 1.648 billion added to the already hefty sum

Még mindig nem tudni pontosan, kinél van a lakossági állampapírok negyede
September 22, 2023 08:58

Budapest's account swung into positive territory

The survival programme has been a success so far

3-as metró forrás bkk
September 20, 2023 09:45

Budapest Transport Company demands EUR 100 million from the Russians

No light at the end of the metro litigation tunnel

September 01, 2023 09:30

Budapest public transport ticket prices rise sharply today

Season tickets remain the same both for students and adults

August 09, 2023 10:17

Katalin Novák signs the acceptance letter of the new Ukrainian Ambassador to Budapest

"Professor from the trench" Shandor Fedir has been waiting for this since March

vihar villám
August 07, 2023 08:00

Storm damage could reach HUF 650 million this weekend, according to insurers

Alfa Insurance expects more claims

magyar gdp, magyarország, magyar gazdaság,
July 19, 2023 11:21

Finance Minister: the Metropolitan Court rejected the lawsuit of the Mayor of Budapest

Budapest also has to pay the contribution tax

July 19, 2023 09:10

First passenger plane lands at the newly opened Transylvanian airport

A Hungarian airliner was the first to land in Remetea

lánchíd palota
July 13, 2023 08:39

International Investment Bank does not let go of the Chain Bridge Palace

Even though it is no longer used as a headquarters

June 29, 2023 08:22

Battery factories' fire brigades siphon manpower from the professional Emergency Management

Many people are attracted by the higher salaries, even though the factories aren't even finished yet

karácsony gergely property market reloaded konferencia
April 21, 2023 10:00

Budapest has run out of savings - Mayor Gergely Karácsony speaks on the financial situation of the capital

The Mayor summarised the state of the capital in 12 statements

új lakás régi ház modern romos fejlesztés lepusztult
April 18, 2023 15:07

Budapest housing prices are almost completely frozen

Real estate network publishes comprehensive analysis

Később döntenek az új budapesti parkolóövezetekről
March 17, 2023 13:17

Paid parking all over Budapest? - Drastic proposal submitted to Municipality

Residents would need to pay too

építkezés, lakóépület
March 16, 2023 09:54

Dizzying new home prices in Budapest districts

Wallet thickness determines location

citadella budapest getty stock
March 02, 2023 08:32

Budapest wins EU support in climate neutrality tender

Although the sum is even smaller than we thought

February 23, 2023 08:00

No battery factory in Budapest without public consent

The municipal assembly has decided

lakás tanulás egyetemista
January 25, 2023 10:55

Hungarian rents start to go down after two years of increases

The latest rent index has been published