Label: "base rate"

Döntött az MNB: jön az azonnali átutalás
October 24, 2023 14:00

This is how Hungary's central bank cuts the Gordian knot

Monetary Council holds policy meeting

October 24, 2023 12:15

Hungarian central bank faces another challenge - Life after the merging of interest rates

Monetary Council to hold crucial meeting

nagy marton
October 03, 2023 10:01

Government asks banks to introduce voluntary interest rate cap

A plan has been published after the last meeting with the Banking Association

virág barnabás mnb bef
September 26, 2023 16:25

Hungary's inflation is still unacceptably high - central banker

Deputy Governor holds press conference.

Megszólalt az MNB a gyenge forintról
September 26, 2023 15:00

Hungary cenbank cuts benchmark rate 100 bps, simplifies toolkit

MNB issues not one, but two statements

A gyenge forinttal teszteli a piac az MNB hitelességét
September 26, 2023 14:00

Hungary central bank takes us back where we were a year ago

MNB holds policy meeting

Mi lesz a forinttal az MNB nagy döntése után?
September 25, 2023 11:00

It took almost a year, but "order" can finally be restored in Hungary

Monetary Council to take crucial decision

Lecsapott az MNB egy joghézagot használó befektetési cégre
September 15, 2023 09:53

Hungarian central banker hints at end of easing cycle

Benchmark rate could be lowered further by end-2023

Megjelent az MNB kamatdöntő ülésének közleménye
September 12, 2023 14:36

Hungary central bank takes key decision two weeks before policy meeting

Convergence of rates is a sure bet now

310 fölé lökte a forintot az MNB döntése
August 29, 2023 15:00

Hungarian central bank publishes rationale for rate reduction

100bp cut, as expected

Fogalmuk sincs a londoni elemzőknek, hogy mit lép az MNB
August 29, 2023 14:00

Hungary central bank announces rate-decision

Reduction as expected

virág barnabás mnb bef
August 29, 2023 13:09

Hungarian central banker Virág to speak after policy meeting today

Rate reduction expected

mnb jegybank
August 28, 2023 09:40

Hungary cenbank still has some time to think, but a fork in the road is very close

Monetary Council to discuss rates on Tuesday

virág barnabás mnb bef
July 25, 2023 17:50

Lowering the base rate is not on the agenda - Hungarian central banker

Virág talks shop after rate cut

Holnap kiderül, mennyire látja derűsen a világot az MNB
July 25, 2023 14:00

Hungary cenbank does not veer off the beaten track

Will soon reveal rationale

Mutatjuk a magyarok kedvenc nyaralóhelyeit
July 24, 2023 06:05

Most crucial week of the summer has just started

Crucial data and events bumper to bumper

July 14, 2023 13:22

What will happen to the forint and bonds amid the central bank's interest rate cuts?

Exclusive analysis by Péter Kiss, Investment Director of Amundi Fund Management

virág barnabás mnb bef
July 12, 2023 09:27

MNB Deputy Governor: inflation in Hungary could reach single digits within months

Barnabás Virág spoke about the prospects

June 20, 2023 15:35

Everything points to a sharp deceleration of inflation - Hungary central banker

Barnabás Virág talks monetary policy