Europe leads the way.
96.69% of Mobiasbanca is now owned by OTP.
Because of new rules. That's pretty rough.
Further loan quality improvements are to be limited, says the ratings agency.
Maybe. If banks request it.
Headcount at remaining branches grow, though.
OTP eyes Abanka?
Dividend yield is over 4.0%.
Tasks remain, though.
Is the end of the golden era near?
Forint loans continue to gain weight in corporate lending.
European banks way ahead of Hungarian peers in terms of cost-to-assets ratio.
Not a small one, that's for sure.
State announces sell-off.
Some delinquent mortgage debtors cannot be helped even by real estate market boom.
Instead of going live on 1 July.
Total income rises to all-time high.
Via acquisitions and organically, as well.
Bank is ready for launch of instant payment service on 1 July.
Central bank recommendations work.