Label: "analyst"

budapest szabadsag hid
May 17, 2021 17:15

Will the Hungarian economy suprise on the upside again?

Q1 2021 GDP data to be released on Tuesday

magyar telekom
May 10, 2021 11:05

Big day for Magyar Telekom coming up - What do analysts expect?

Impact of pandemic petering out

élelmiszer élelmiszerár bolt kiskereskedelem
May 07, 2021 17:15

Consumer prices to take off in Hungary - How will the central bank react?

Data coming out on Tuesday morning

budapest magyar gazdaság
April 27, 2021 09:00

Hungary to get a head start on regional peers in economic recovery

Analysts see fast vaccine rollout boosting recovery

April 14, 2021 08:49

Fitch: V4 economies to take off after pandemic, Hungary to grow by 3.2% this year

Credit rating agency updates estimates

April 08, 2021 09:29

Painful rise of consumer prices starts in Hungary, but it's just a warm-up

Key data arriving on Friday morning

MNB épület getty
March 22, 2021 13:38

Global scene heating up, the plot thickens for Hungary's central bank

'Boring' policy meeting coming up, details could be interesting

dolgozó munkás magyar gdp ipar üzem
February 17, 2021 12:10

Analysts stunned by Hungary avoiding W-shaped double recession

This year's growth could beat previous expectations

February 16, 2021 15:05

ANALYST VIEW - Erste sharply raises target price for Hungary's Richter

Share price climbs to new all-time high

alagut budapest
February 15, 2021 06:50

We'll see tomorrow how large a hole COVID-19 hit on the Hungarian economy

2020 GDP data in the pipeline

food shop élelmiszer
February 12, 2021 09:00

Inflation remains in check in Hungary

In January 2021

inflacio cpi bolt kisker vásárlás
February 10, 2021 16:10

Base could help now, but life will inevitably become more expensive in Hungary

Latet inflation data to be released on Friday

January 25, 2021 11:15

ANALYST VIEW – HSBC ups target price for Mol, MTelekom

With ‘Buy’ recommendation

inflacio cpi bolt kisker vásárlás
January 13, 2021 14:35

Inflation deceleration stopped, price boom in spring to ensue in Hungary

Consumer prices are to grow in 2021 largely as much as in 2020

matolcsy gyorgy 200407
December 16, 2020 10:38

INSTANT VIEW - Hungary cenbank remains cautious

Analysts see HUF correction

mnb epulet
December 14, 2020 11:05

Hungary cenbank might surprise us at last policy meeting of 2020

The conditions are right so why not?

December 07, 2020 13:20

Hungary inflation seen lower in November, summer price boom in the rear view mirror

Central bank can chill even more

magyar lengyel cseh
December 04, 2020 16:01

CEE to put a cap on spending in 2021, monetary policy normalisation remains distant prospect

Fitch Solutions expects monetary, fiscal policy to remain accommodative, with limited room for easing

koronavirus veszélyhelyzet tudnivalók
November 23, 2020 15:45

Deeper recession in Hungary in 2020, smaller rebound in CEE in 2021 - Erste

Growth takes the back seat for now

November 10, 2020 09:00

Inflation drops further in Hungary

CPI slightly undershoots market's call